▶ 2018 Korea Grand Sale
Welcome to the official website of the Korea Grand Sale!
The Korea Grand Sale encompasses a total festival experience combining culture, tourism and shopping, offering foreign tourists with various benefits in areas of shopping, accommodation, transportation, entertainment, beauty/health, food & beverage and more, provided by participating companies.
The Korea Grand Sale will continue to contribute to the increase in consumer spending and foreign tourist visits to Korea, as well as enhance Korea's image as a shopping & tourism mecca with the potential to develop into a premium global festival.
Get several discount benefits from Korea’s finest products and services, along with Korean Wave and various Korean cultures. The joy of shopping will be doubled.
▶ About the 2018 Korea Grand Sale

▪ Festival title: 2018 Korea Grand Sale
▪ Period: Jan. 18th to Feb. 28th, 2018
▪ Place: Seoul, the greater Seoul metropolitan area and major local areas all around Korea
▪ Target: Foreign tourists visiting Korea
▪ Festival information: Discounts on products and services, free gifts,
cultural experiences and more
▪ Hosting organization: Visit Korea Committee, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
You can find more information about the events, promotions and discount offers at the renewed official website of the Korea Grand Sale.
Check out the new functions on the website, and take full advantage of shopping benefits arranged for the Korea Grand Sale!
▶ Visit Korea Committee
- Visit Korea Committee is the only private and public joint corporation with in Korean tourism industry, where private sector is leading the business in cooperation with the public sector, maximizing both sectors' strengths through projects execution.
- The campaign of the "2010-2012 Visit Korea Year" served as a great contributor to the achievement of the goal of attracting 10 million foreign tourists. With using abundance of previous campaign experiences and taking the opportunity of coming Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Games, the VKC (Visit Korea Committee) has been preparing the 2016-2018 Visit Korea Year to promote qualitative development together with quantitative growth in the tourism industry.
- For FITs (foreign independent travelers) to travel Korea with various benefits, we have been conducting many events/business such as Korea Grand Sale (Shopping festival), KOREA TOUR CARD (you can find many benefits of transportation and shopping), Hands Free Service (where you can ask about travel) and Online Coupon Service. Also, in order to attract return visits of foreign tourists to Korea, VCK has been conducting 'K-Smile Campaign' with 41 tourism industry-related organizations and municipal governments.
- For more information, please visit our official website.
Official Website of Visit Korea Committee : http://www.vkc.or.kr/en