Thanks everyone for your participation on 2015 Korea Grand Sale 888 Event, which has been held since December 1st of 2014. Here is the winner for January 8th of 888 Event. Congratulations!
We look forward for your continuous interest and care on 2015 Korea Grand Sale.
[Winner for January 8th of 888 Event]
*Individual notification mail with winning details will be sent to each winner by January 16th .
Please reply us back with the information to receive your event gifts.
[Video of drawing lot for the winner for January 8th of 2015 Korea Grand Sale 888 Event]
Mr. Jeon Beob-Soo, a manager of marketing team for Doota Shopping Mall of Dongdaemun, helped us in drawing lot for the winner for January 8th of Korea Grand Sale 2015 888 Event.
* What is Doota?
Doota is a big fashion shopping mall, one of the representatives of Dondaemun shopping town. It is popular for the items manufactured by famous Korean designers with rational price, so a lot of foreign tourists love to visit here.