Hello from Korea Grand Sale!

This is the FINAL NOTICE on how to participaet in SMTOWN 1DAY TOUR.
Make sure you thoroughly read and understand all the information regarding the place for pick-up, time, and program.
(WE ARE NOT responsible for any problem occurring from your negligence on checking all the details in advance.)



1. List of the winners and sending of the mail

Check the list of the winners from the official website of Korea Grand Sale


and send us "Your name in the passport (English)/Nationality/Place for pick-up/Phone number" an e-mail to kgs@vkc.or.kr.

You will be CANCELLED from this opportunity to participate in this tour IF YOU DO NOT send e-mail two days prior to the tour date you applied for.



2. Notice on the place for pick-up and time

1) Myeongdong station: 9:50 am for both weekdays and weekends, in front of the exit 3 of Myeongdong station (subway line 4)

2) Hongdae station: 9:20 am for both weekdays and weekends, in front of the exit 4 of Hongdae station (subway line 2)

3) Gangnam station: 8:40 am for weekdays and 10:20 am for weekends, in between exit 11 and 12 of Gangnam station (subway line 2) - outside of the exit, not inside


* Bus may arrive little late due to the street/traffic condition. DO NOT go into the subway station.

PLEASE wait outside!

(If we cannot verify the arrival of the winner for participation when we check the list on spot, we can simply begin the tour without contacting you further.)


Contact of the guide: Hong Joo-Hee 010-5386-9692

Contact of the manager in charge: Park Hyung-Bin 010-2625-8842



3. Notification about the program

Please refer to the 1DAY TOUR program schedule below.

After the schedule is finished, we will take you to the desired place among three spots we picked you up.

(Choose one among Gangnam station, Hongdae station, and Myeongdong station)

The guide will be checking the list at the pick-up place, so make sure you have your passport to confirm yourself. 


For more information

1) Make sure you reply us with your information by 11am of 2/12. If we don't get your reply by that time, your gift will be cancelled.
2) Make sure you provide full information of your accompany as well. 
(Name on the passport, nationality, place for pick-up, contact number to reach you)
3) Please stand by at your pick-up spot on time. 
(WEEK DAY : Myeongdong AM 9:50 /Hongdae AM 9:20 /Gangnam AM:8:40
  WEEKEND Myeongdong AM 9:50 /Hongdae AM 9:20 /Gangnam AM 10:20)
4) When you are taking photo at music studion on the 3rd floor, the place for photo shoot may change without prior notice due to the schedule of the studio.
5) Round-trip ticket for Namsan cable car is provided as a bonus benefit (everyone will be riding on it with the guide), but the entrance ticket to N Seoul Tower is not included.
6) No meal is included for this tour.


